When we stumble and fall,
Even if only in thought or feeling,
"O Lord,
I have opened the door of my
heart to Thy
worst enemy,
and the worst enemy of my soul.
I have acted as though I could save my own soul,
as if I could sin
and then reform when I choose to do so;
but I find a power
holding me in his keeping.
Thou alone can save me
that my soul shall
not be eternally ruined. . . .
No longer will I
withhold it from Thee.
I dare not trust it
with any power but Thine. . . .
I lay it at Thy feet.
Thou Lamb of God,
wash my soul in the blood of the Lamb;
clothe it with Thine own garments
of purity and righteousness.
From Lift Him Up - Page 215